Who we are

Over a century ago, one man obeyed God’s call to serve Him in West Africa. Many others followed him and today millions of lives have been changed in Africa – all because one man said ‘Yes’ to God!

Samuel Bill, an independent missionary from Belfast, founded the mission in 1887. Since then Mission Africa has developed a rich legacy of pioneering missionary work in Africa. Because of this we are regarded as an experienced mission agency respected throughout the UK and Ireland.

Mission Africa was originally known as the Qua Iboe Mission after the region of south–east Nigeria where the early missionaries first ministered. However, the mission quickly expanded into other parts of Nigeria and more recently into other countries in West Africa.

Our strategy

The founding ethos of the mission, to bring the Good News of Jesus to the people of Africa, remains as strong as ever. Mission Africa remains committed to pioneering evangelism among people yet to be reached with the Gospel.

We also have a strong vision for the future growth of the church in Africa. As a result, Mission Africa is committed to the strategic ministries of theological education and Christian literature which strengthen the church of today and build the church of tomorrow.

As new and changing needs develop in Africa, such as the spread of HIV/AIDS or the growing number of children living on the streets, Mission Africa seeks to respond in dynamic and innovative ways with a powerful demonstration of God’s compassion.

The mission is also proactive in developing new models of engaging in mission. Serving in Africa is now more accessible, more flexible and more varied to reflect the changing needs of the continent.

Statement of faith

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