Jeremy and Rachel Nash

Meet Jeremy and Rachel! Originally from the south coast of England, they are currently serving for a year in N'Djamena, Chad.

Jeremy and Rachel have served with Mission Africa since 1996. After spending their first year of marriage in language preparation in Paris, they moved to the mainly French speaking town of Legmoin in Burkina Faso.

Over the years they helped establish many new churches among the Dagara people. They were involved in preaching, evangelising and training church leaders in rural villages, often using the Jesus Film and Bible correspondence courses as effective tools.

They returned to their hometown in England and Jeremy worked as Mission Africa’s England Region Mobiliser where he regularly traveled to Burkina Faso to distribute Bible correspondence courses in schools, and to engage in village evangelism – showing screenings of the Jesus film.

In 2023, Jeremy and Rachel felt called to serve in N'Djamena and left in June to serve for 1 year. They are currently managing the TEAM Guesthouse and office centre.

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